I am not a one-genre kind of guy. Not in my readng habits, and definitely not with the stories that I'd like to tell. My anthology, Panels, is an exercise in both honing my writing skills, and exploring the themes, stories, and characters that interest me.
Panels, Volume One, debuted at Mega-Con 2014, in Orlando, Florida. If you missed it there, you can now get your copy online by clicking right here, or on the "buy comics" link below the cover image on the right.
All stories are written and lettered by me, and will feature art from a variety of immensly talented pencilers, inkers, and colorists, whom I've had the extreme good fortune to work with.
If you have any questions about Panels, if you're an artist who would like to work with me on a story to appear in future installments of Panels, or you like my lettering and want to hire me to work on your book, please don't hesitate to contact me. You can e-mail here, or find me on twitter and facebook.
Pencils, inks, and colors, by Emmanuel Xerx.

Pencils, inks, and colors by Emmanuel Xerx. Copyright, Adam Wollet, 2013.

Pencils, inks, and colors by Emmanuel Xerx. Copyright, Adam Wollet, 2013.

Pencils and inks by Peter Cacho.

Pencils and inks by Peter Cacho Copyright, Adam Wollet, 2013

Pencils and inks by Peter Cacho Copyright, Adam Wollet, 2013